AWS Cloud Complete Bootcamp Course
The AWS Cloud Project Bootcamp is a training program to equip you with the skills to design, build, and implement a cloud project.
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Developed by Andrew Brown.
Wk 8 Severless Image Process CDK
Wk 8 Serving Avatars via CloudFront
Wk 8 Implement Users Profile Page
Wk 8 Implement Migrations Backend Endpoint & Profile Form
Wk 8 Implement Avatar Uploading Pt 1
Wk 8 Fix CORS for API Gateway
Wk 8 Fix CORS Final AWS Lambda Layers
Wk 8 Render Avatar from CloudFront
Wk 10-11 CFN For Networking Layer
Wk 10-11 CFN Diagramming the Network Layer
Wk 10 11 CFN Cluster Layer
Wk 10-11 CFN Toml Pt 1
Wk 10 11 CFN Toml Pt 2
Wk 10-11 CFN Cluster Layer Finish
Wk 10-11 CFN Diagram Cluster
Wk 10-11 CFN Svc Layer
Wk X Sync tool for static website hosting
Wk X Reconnect DB & Post Confirmation Lambda
Wk X CORS for Svc
Wk X CICD Pipeline & Create Activity
Wk X Refactor JWT to a decorator
Wk X Refactor AppPy
Wk X Refactor Flask Routes
Wk X Replies Work In Progress
Wk X Refactor Error Handling & Fetch Requests
Wk X Activity Show Page
Wk X Cleanup